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It's a billing post for July 2022 (+July HD Artpack (024)*)

Hey! I'm still working on the main illustration for the current month's rewards (It will be egyptian themed with Ammit 😊)! I expect to complete it during the upcoming week. Sorry for making you wait!

A small reminder for the Booster tier: there's a voting poll going! Remember that the final results will be a sum of votes from each part - so it is not exactly important who leads where! 

(Part 1) + (Part 2)

Please vote in both parts 😉 

(You are able to adjust your votes while polls are open.)
(I did it in that form due to Patreon's voting polls limitations..)

Have a fantastic week!


*You'll be eligible to receive the July 2022 Artpack (024) if you're being charged $6+ for this billing post (as a Booster Tier Patron). Otherwise you'll be able to get it on Gumroad at a later date.
Once the Artpack will be done and sent out, you will be informed about that in a separate patreon post and in a private message, so you wont miss it!
(Billing post - currently I do one per month. It's an information for the Patreon's system it should charge you for the ending month.)


French Honey Badger

Why not switch to monthly subscription if you're only going to post once a month?


ooh Ammit, nice!