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  Hello! I need a bit more time to finish April's Main Illustration, I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll send the april artpack immediately after the release (somewhere this week)! 😅
 Image involves my hyena OC you've been asking for now and then across the weeks! It's her debut on a painting, so I'm also figuring out her design details here 😄 Keep tight!

  In the meantime I open fresh suggestion thread for this month! You can send me suggestions through comments or via private message.

I have various ideas during the month but my loose notes at this very moment:

  • Sisu (dragoness from Raya), in more anthro form, (I've seen the movie 🙂 )
  • Depending on responses on the april's main illustration, in a few days, perhaps more hyena girl?
  • I have another character design in my head, perhaps I'll manage to draw her this time!
  • I-I still have some Tigress ideas on the back of my head, if you wish.
  • Beastars characters? I didn't see whole show & manga yet, but there're some nice ones! (Legoshi, Juno, Haru)
  • Loona or other characters from Helluva Boss? Crymini, Stella (Stolas' bird wife)?
  • I consider to draw Tali from Mass Effect. (I know its not quite furry, but upcoming ME remaster reminded me of her, and of Samara 😏)

I also wanted to ask you a few things: 

Do you prefer more original characters or fanarts? I try to balance between those, and with more OCs it should be nicer, plus a possibility for some storytelling 😉

When you look through my art, is there a preference for more vertical or horizontal images? (Is it related to mobile/computer you're using?)

Would you be okay with some male, male-on-male focused art sometimes? (Last time, I did it a few months ago with Anubis pinup and M/M sketch.)


Depending on your responses, I'll decide if should I create voting polls this time.
Your ideas dont have to be very long, or even be a description! Simple keywords which would include a character or situation will be helpful as well!*
You can give multiple suggestions of course! I read every comment and save every suggestion!
Keep in mind, at the monent, I'm able to do around 2-3 bonus pictures (most often focused on solo/pov/closeup/pinup) and one main illustration (intercourse, more characters, better defined backgrounds and details) within a month.


* Cartoon/anime/movie/comics/game characters, except real people are fine. I'd prefer no OCs. My red foxy Paprika is a-ok!
If you wonder what kind of stuff i'm ok with, in the past I made f-list with "kink list".


Have a nice day!



Firstly, Tigress and Loona are both absolutely a yes from me idea wise. Second, I also wouldn't mind a split between your ocs and more public characters at all, especially if you are expanding out to have more involved. Third, I am more than fine with more male content And fourth, I prefer the horizontal images. I usually check them on my phone when they go live and when I get a chance go to view them on a much larger screen.


I'd love to see Sisu in your style


More tigress pinups and Blaziken. I feel loona is a bit common. Hyena is nice would like to see that.


I like very much a mix of your oc's and fanart :) I am not into M/M but a lot of people are so I suppose it's good to drop such art from time to time ^^ Sisu is an aboslute must from me! There is very little art of her and there is so much room to draw her! Tigress is always a go! My only dream suggestion would be some Monster hunter stuff


Even without the main illustration, I'm pretty confident to say, that I'd like to see more of the Hyena. :) I'd also be curious about the other character design. And more Tigress wouldn't be a bad thing either. :) Both are fine, but I wouldn't mind seeing more OCs from you. Though if it comes to fanart your Judy and Krystal, in particular, are amazing, and I doubt I could ever get bored of those two. I'm looking at your art on a PC screen, so horizontally is preferable but it's either way not a big deal. Whatever works for the picture better. More males sound good to me. :)


Actually I think I might be leaning towards Stella from Helluva Boss, it could be fun XD

Craig from Omaha

If you want to do another hyena girl, there’s Elza from Interspecies Reviewers. I like seeing Beastars, Zootopia, Brand New Animal, Aggretsuko, Monster Musume, etc fanart, too. Any pairing of M or F is fine with me. You are the artist, go where the art takes you.


I'm always big for Master Tigress (just ask Scappo lol), so I'd toss my suggestion to her. If not her, I also like Loona or Sisu.

Kévin Bodin

Sisu, Tali and Loona... sound Good.

Maffi Lu

Why not stolas himself 🤔🤫


Loona and Master Tigress are always wonderful. I would absolutely love to see more M/M content, and unrelated, more footplay stuff. I like your current blend of OC's and fanart, as far as that goes.


Hi Pixelsketcher, your ideas are all great. I think you can choose sometimes your characters and the "scene" to surprise us. I think you are right to find a balance between OC and fanarts. I use computer and I think vertical or horizontal image is not a problem but it's depend the "scene" that you draw. No problem to use male or m/m characters.


I think a good balance of OC and fanart is best, though I do prefer OC stuff (plz more Lua). Image orientation depends on the content really. Male characters are great, the jackal you drew was great (especially the detail you put into his penis).


I’m a Huge WildeHopps Fan, so anything with that pairing definitely works for me!

Lemonade Rat

Really looking forward to seeing the illustration of your Hyena OC (Y’enah), no worries and no rush, we can wait. Regarding your Ideas: Would love to see you do a illustration of Sisu, I haven’t seen the film but I love her design. Defiantly more of your Hyena OC, their a really cool character that I think we all want to see more of. With this other character design you have, I’d love to see her someday, your ideas are aways great. More Tigress is always welcome with me. Beastars characters illustrated by you would be awesome to see, especially the three you mentioned. With Helluva Boss, I wouldn’t mind seeing Loona again, but I’d like to see another Crymini or Stella more. I know next to nothing about Mass Effect, but I’m interested in the remaster, so you drawing one of the characters would be a really nice way to celebrate the series. Regarding you Questions: Honestly I prefer original characters more, but I absolutely love your fan arts too, the way you illustrate characters is so faithful to the series yet original because of your style, you have a really good balance between the two, and I would really love to see your story telling with new and existing OC’s. I don’t have a preference, I only use my computer for Patreon, but more horizontal illustrations would be nice because we could set them as our desktop backgrounds. I’d love to see more male focused art from you, male-on-male illustrations and solo male pinups would be great. With other characters: Paprika, it’s always great to see more of her. Minerva Mink from Animaniacs, a classic character that I’d love to see you illustrate again. Aisha Clan-Clan from Outlaw Star, really love this character and feel she doesn’t get enough attention or art. Rivet from Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, the new game is coming out soon and she such a well designed character. For situations ideas: With Paprika, maybe her in some kind of latex wrestling outfit, something like what R. Mika wears in Street Fighter. Minerva Mink could be in the gym doing yoga, her in certain yoga positions, showing off how flexible she is and revealing more of her body. Aisha Clan-Clan in the cowgirl position, on top and pinning down (consensually) the person she’s dominating/having sex with. A Rivet pinup, maybe her taking off her clothes because she’s hot and sweaty, because she a mechanic, revealing her naked body. I know I typed a lot but hopefully this helps you, in regards to your questions and ideas, looking forward to what May brings.


I really like how you do transparent clothing, as I've stated several times; you've single handedly caused me to gain a thing for it. Personally, I'd like to see your Yeen character giving Paprika some hearty anal while wearing that transparent one piece swimsuit again.


Micro Bikini Lua!


Some more Tigress is always welcome imo! Interested in your other ideas with her! I really like your OCs and Its always fun seeing them. Male content is welcome imo, you paint them so well. : ) I'm fine with horizontal or vertical images. I think having a mix of both keeps things interesting composition wise.


100% I don't care, I love your art style. I haven't come accross any picture of yours I don't love to death.


I would love to see you create your own OCs Pixel and give them a personality/backstory! :3


These all sound like great ideas. I would love to see more of your oc's as well. The idea with Tali sounds amazing


Hmmm.....Y’enah and Paprika together perhaps 🤔😌😊


In not really here for the Male on Male stuff to be honest. But that said, im a fan of most of your pinup style stuff, especially landscape over portrait, makes for nice desktop wallpapers.


Personal opinions, I would say I lean more towards your OCs rather than fanart, but I’m definitely ok with either. I prefer vertical orientation because I am on mobile (but not a big deal). And lastly I would love to see some more solo male or male on male in your style! For ideas, I love anything with oral! For one of the smaller pieces, I would love to see a POV of Paprika or your hyena looking up at the viewer with the viewers tip in her mouth. Or maybe a solo male piece!


In general I like your OC's more than fanart. On phone mostly and don't mind portrait vs landscape. Not a M/M fan but I I know if its something you like/ want to draw then its cool to mix it in. (Rabbit ones have been very yes please)

Teh Pron

Loona loona loona ahhh! And Juno! Those sound so exciting. I also really like Paprika. She's so cute and sexy. Male and Male on Male is cool too! My personal tastes are that the Tigress and Judy Hopps stuff doesn't do it for me. I like more of the "realistic" style of Paprika, Renamon, and Krystal, etc. Your tentacle art is also top-tier. But as always, follow your heart and draw what you want!

Teh Pron

Oh, I forgot-- any thoughts on corruption kinks? 👀


Okay I got it... (Maid Marian) maybe in a dungeon theme or outside the castle, btw I have to say the amount of detail you put into each piece is incredible truly one of a kind.


(Maid Marian chained up taking on three guys)idk I think she would make a great sub


Tali yep plz

Fox Starwing

Big fan of Paprika, she's the reason I jumped aboard your patreon, so anything with her is good. As many seem to have said, not really here for male on male stuff, not my forte at all, but you are the artist, and I am sure some of your patreoneers would appreciate it.


Krystal from star fox?


I joined because of the bunnys, they are the hottest girls and I really love sl*tty girls.

Jerry West

I have a preference for fanart but I would like to see more of your OCs. I would love to see something with Juno from Beastars or even more of the hyena girl.

William Seal

This is a late response but, I do not have a problem with some male or even male-on-male action, love your OC hyena girl so ofc im OK with more original art (including your other new OC's).