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Happy weekends!! Happy hole day..

I'm sorry this took a little long to do, my day job is really kicking my ass lately 😭😭😭 I officially started drawing for season 3 as well so that's also another pile on my plate, i'm not complaining though!! It's so exciting when i have so many projects going on at the same time..!! I included thorne in the nsfw post finally.. so enjoy the food!

I had a lot of fun drawing these prompts, thank u everyone for voting, I hope you enjoyed, and the nsfw comic will be posted next week..!!😭😭 


Food play
Sexy nurse Cherie
Crush clones
Biyu <3



ooooh SHIT cherie getting double teamed :eyes:


yem are you scared of crush ass you censored both crushes asses /lh ITS JUST SO FUNNY HOW HIS ASS ALWAYS LIKE A LITTLE SNEAK PEEK


I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE I COVERED HIS ASS AGAIN DSKJFNASKJN but also I think I like drawing Cherie's bouncy butt more so most of the time I render the shit out of it and Crush's muscle rock hard butt gets pushed to the side... im sorry...