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the colors are so muted bc i still haven't gotten my glasses........ I'll post da nsfw comic this week but I've been snailing it becuz drawing for a long time hurts my eyes T_T;;;




I know you’ve talked about the reposts before and I’m genuinely sorry that some still do it even after you mentioned it. I see people repost it on tiktok and it upsets me deeply. Still I hope you’re okay and doing well. Remember to take eye breaks💞💞


AAA there's people on pinterest like.. harassing others that are saying not to repost your drawings even tho it CLEARLY says NOT to repost them. 😭 it genuinely makes me feel so bad that people can't listen. BUT, I HOPE YOURE DOING WELL YEM 🫶🫶


this set of arts is insane... so pretty.... cherie looking sooo cute like usual.../ i love him.......he looks sogood in long hair.... he looks so good in b/w clothes