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Welcome to SuperT’s new Patreon! Where we keep things E for everyone 😊 and entertain the mysteries of the universe 😮.

Like the claims from a former US intelligence official about a secretive UFO retrieval program that possesses multiple crashed 👽 crafts 😲

I’m sure many of you have heard whistleblower Grusch’s claims directly from his own mouth and if you haven’t, I highly recommend you do. It’s an entertaining listen if nothing else.

Now do I fully believe what he’s claiming?


Not fully anyway. I’m more interested in why mainstream media isn’t covering the topic seriously. What happened to journalism? You have one of three answers here, any of which would result in a massive career defining story for any self respecting journalist.


A) It’s all true. Huge story.

B) You have an 👽 obsessed cult spreading fantastical and false rumours (that they believe to be true) and it’s destroying the credibility of whichever government program the cult is involved in. Huge story.

C) This is all a disinformation campaign. Why? I could come up with a bunch of hypotheticals but a real journalist would do the legwork to find out the truth. Huge story.

Whatever the answer is, the whole thing continues to fascinate me.

What about you? Have the trials and tribulations of navigating everyday life depleted your curiosity reserves, leaving you with zero interest in the topic? Are you an extreme believer or skeptic? Maybe you've had a first hand experience? Or maybe your more or less in the middle of both extremes like me.


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