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Ashina now enters the dark basement hoping to find Jenn... But Jenn seems a little flustered knowing Ashina is down there. But Why?

Was supposed to be finished back at December but Transporting my PC took longer and got the usual cold December sickness so didn't do a lot last month. Going to be more bondage moving forward focusing on Ashina but Jenn will be there to observe.

As always if there are any issues in the links, please inform me down in the comments.

Also please refer to the LATEST link on the most recent post for Comic Chapter 7, all older links to this specific Chapter will be deleted.

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/7s33a5ne5xpd90486qeyu/h?rlkey=ztto9tvrur6mhcm1f4dk71wox&dl=0

This is a work of Fiction, There is no harm done on the characters depicted in these works.)(All situations depict consensual and safe BDSM, or may depict situational reenactments that are safe and with out any violence nor sexual assault.)(This page does not condone any form of non-consensual acts or any type of violence whatsoever.)



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