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Jenn investigates an old abandoned school but inside the school looks pristine like it's just had students yesterday. But there's only one there, Anne and she leads Jenn to the school theatre.

But what really hides under that mysterious façade?

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/su1ykm795zrfmt77ylxki/h?rlkey=8yur75jc34vwgwvrndmhknfeh&dl=0

This might be the last for the specials for the month of October, will we ever solve these mysteries? Jenn so far has been a terrible detective. Now going to focus on the Poll winner but if I find the time after that then I got an idea for another final final special.

And if you already noticed by the theme of each special pic or from the file names:

Yes or Yes, Heart Shaker, Genie and Cheer Up

Then congrats for noticing more Niche Ryner interests!

This is a work of Fiction, There is no harm done on the characters depicted in these works.)(All situations depict consensual and safe BDSM, or may depict situational reenactments that are safe and with out any violence nor sexual assault.)(This page does not condone any form of non-consensual acts or any type of violence whatsoever.)




Quite the interesting reveal! Still looking forward to seeing the cutie patootie detective, Jenn, get what's coming to her!


This is absolutely amazing! I hope we get to see Jenn get her "time to shine" too ;)