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First of this month's weekly draw.

Considering I'm trying to finish the current Comic story by January/February  by the looks of it, I am going to have this current chapter as the weekly theme.

Though this current chapter really helped me in many aspects that needs improving it also highlighted a big flaw I have especially with how I work.

Trying to force and stretch out a story ends up with a lack of motivation and bad flow considering I mix up other projects in between. And when coming back to those WIP while finishing unrelated works I just can't work on it properly. The middle of this year there was a Freya mini comic (which still needs that written part) help in changing the pace where I was losing interest in the comic. A big factor of this comic is trying out a new story from the usual to open up to more diverse settings that isn't just "tied up girl A+ setting".

So when this chapter is done I would opt to shorts and this time will utilize a webtoon format. Like every other comic before it, it will be a learning experience this time with working with the limits of the standard webtoon episode page. Part of the problem was working on these pages without prior planning so it'll help with maintaining a better consistency.

Ok long post on a random WIP like usual, guess this is a good time to thank you guys for another month and for the support in the future. I try to grow little by little and trying new things while maintaining my identity as an artist so I'm very grateful for this opportunity your support has given me.


This is a work of Fiction, There is no harm done on the characters depicted in these works.)(All situations depict consensual and safe BDSM, or may depict situational reenactments that are safe and with out any violence nor sexual assault.)(This page does not condone any form of non-consensual acts or any type of violence whatsoever.)



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