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All right a lot of stuff to say and a lot of things to explain.

First lets start off with changes to TIER Rewards:

Galactic Enforcer:

-5 comic pages/month(revised) it will now be Subscription to Patreon Exclusive comic

-(new) Weekly Draws, a pic each week (mostly of my choice but I will consider opening suggestions)

-remove the folders but I will try to revise a new access to older files and WIPS

-change the outdated poll point system to TOP 5 (Already outdated for a long time)

Naughty Employees: 

-(new) Previous month's Weekly Draws

-remove the folders but I will try to revise a new access to older files and WIPS

-change poll point system which was.... pointless... badumtss

Amateur Detectives:

-remove the folders but I will try to revise a new access to older files and WIPS

-(new) Weekly Draws 2 months ago

Time to explain the changes, these past comic Chapters haven't been the best when it comes to proper releases and I don't want to spam excuses each month. Yes I know artist shouldn't be bound(not literally) to their work schedule but I also believe part of the Art is having consistency overall and providing consumers with the product at a timely manner. Kinda like the Philosophy of "Bakuman" It isn't just dictated by pure art alone but also writing, editing and properly releasing your work.

So the comic pages aren't gonna be as strict but I'll try to have some standard releases like 1 or 2 pages on slow months.

Next is the addition of Weekly Draws... but Ryner you just said you wanted to lessen the amount of comics, why add another? Well this is kinda like a single one off where I don't put much thought process to it. Comic pages tend to take a while with planning and sketching while the Weekly Draws would generally be done in just a day. I just Sketch whatever comes to mind not much cleaning or rewriting and poof a finish pic, also it tends to be practice for new stuff like lighting, backgrounds or character designs.

Removing of the Folders cause I don't do that anymore and even lost track of it so gonna update some new ways of archiving old files.

The Other two Tiers have minor changes apart from the addition of Weekly Draws but receiving on a future date.

October Schedule:

The second part of Important announcements is the slowing down of my schedule for October. I am gonna have a vacation (staying home and playing games) I'm gonna catch up with a few releases that I didn't end up playing cause I was too busy and I tend to forget about it when I do long pauses and come back to it with zero idea so I would prefer doing it in one sitting (I don't mean not stopping but generally just playing for most of my time in a couple of days). And that's where the Weekly Draws comes in, I won't be working on the comic next month but will have something to provide Patrons next month. Still that means an unfulfilled tier rewards so I recommend people who are tight just delete their pledge and come back the following month, generally everything from last month is still there. Also the weekly draws may be affected by the games I'm playing so expect Tales, Kena, SRW, Scarlet Nexus.

That's about it, I am always very thankful for everyone's support and that really helped me in improving my work. I hope you guys wouldn't mind the slower pace we got but I do have good expectations for the new rewards.

As Always Thank You!




Hope you enjoy your break :). Thank you for all your hard work!


I respect the changes! Enjoy your vacation.