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Its cold during the winter months and this will be my first time to actually experience winter.

Got all ready with some winter clothing and definitely extra cozy ones.

So this month we're going with something extra cozy, Just drop down on the comments the character you want, with reference of course having some extra warm and cozy bondage.

sweaters, jackets and a lot of thicc layers to warm up in the cold weather.



Honolulu - from Azur Lane.


Tamaki Kotatsu from Fire Force. Sweater and sweat pants.


Gotta nominate (one of) the girls from Miru Tights - you already did Sensei a while back - in ribbed sweaters and pantyhose. Nice and cozy together, maybe forced into a big embrace? Here's a reference: https://imgur.com/a/BXTDngL


2B from Nier Automata https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/nier/images/3/38/YoRHa_No.2_Type_B.png/revision/latest?cb=20170322051325 It would be cool to see her strapped up in like a down jacket, probably shipped off like a Christmas gift! https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.BB04M7VJ_kp7RLMzmqX_EwHaFj&pid=15.1


Saegusa Mayumi from The irregular at magic high school: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mahouka-koukou-no-rettousei/images/c/cd/Mayumi_Summer_Dress_Full.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140602011432


I don't know any japanesse or anime girls, but I would recommend that kind of bondage : https://www.deviantart.com/eiqe/art/Snowman-730392010


Hmmmm, how about the character of Melony from Pokemon Sword and Shield, dressed up in nice, sweater-like straitjacket and by the fireplace while gagged tightly and maybe having a nice mug of hot chocolate nearby. There could even be a straw on some of the gags so she can drink from it. :3 https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/5/5f/Melony_League_Card.png/revision/latest?cb=20191118142904 https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/641/464/1fc


im suggesting tsunade from naruto in a similar outfit to these girls https://www.deviantart.com/jadeedge/art/Naruto-Xmas-December-PinUp-26612303 :)


Nagao Kagetora from Fate/GO https://imgur.com/a/Yj3Bc2d Wearing a Christmas sweater and sweatpants


What about Asami and Korra from Legend of Korra, finding ways to stay nice and warm, wrapped up against each other in blankets or scarfs perhaps?


Makoto Niijima from Persona in her Winter Outfit https://i.pinimg.com/originals/51/87/c6/5187c63171762f86ff05ef6e08b85181.jpg


Shiki Ryogi from The Garden of Sinners


Ryza from Atelier wrapped in cellophane https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hYVHuOoryb8/maxresdefault.jpg


get some nice winter wear on Shijou Takane from Idolmaster https://www.project-imas.com/w/images/4/47/TD_Takane_SSR2.png


How about my wolf girl Lupe?(https://sta.sh/213b6pliesu5) She's always wearing a nice form-fitting sweater, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind a Christmas one...along with some rope, a "Don't Open 'til XMAS" sticker smoothed over her lips, and maybe a bit of mistletoe hanging overhead ;)


Winter Eirika from Fire Emblem Heroes https://gamepress.gg/feheroes/sites/fireemblem/files/2018-12/Winter%20Eirika%20norm.png Her outfit is still a little light for Winter, so bundling her up in more layers of bondage might help her.