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Time for the Galactic Enforcer exclusive poll.

At this rate we're getting a lot of three houses this month not only from me.

Every vote is equivalent to 3 from the last one.



3 votes in this poll...3 Houses being a highly popular choice...it must all be connected! Kidding of course, but it should be fun to see if any of the other characters win the top spot instead of Dorothea (unlikely I know). But no matter who wins, I got no doubts the end result draw will look fantastic. Dang, now I'm kinda hoping Marie wins. Not only is she from a game I hadn't heard of before, but she has two things not found in enough bondage art: a cool police hat and glasses!


Since it looks like Dorothea has it in the bag, can we possibly get her time skip design?


Sounds like a nice way to change things up (even though that would mean her getting drawn w/o that cool hat)...maybe said hat could make for a variant pic, where her captor places it on her head in a mocking way?