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All good things come to an end or does it?

Ashina made a deal and she'll get what she paid for luckily for her the trio seems to be really short on cash so they'll have to play along.

So just 1 page for this month even though I did finish 2 sketches. Been a bit of a surprisingly busy month, had a bit of actual SFW content I did for the holy week cause I am a "graphic artist" and I do cartoons and really safe drawings LOL. So can't really say no to the family to keep them away from thinking about my work hehe. Cause I'm a good boy. Also commissions have been slow so that too... but I'm almost done with the list from last year.

But April I will be able to do 2 pages now with a sketch ready. The weekly draws have also been short but they are a bit more detailed and have more characters, like a mini story in and of itself, that story is continuing next month too. Next content to work on is the Monthly poll who we already know who won that, so be ready for that one!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/sjmivaa58l0f0oxaezoi9/h?rlkey=0oljdi77r57zmjhbokt839t3r&dl=0

Reminders that every new comic post is a new link to a new folder containing the pages so all previous links to the same content are obsolete. Please feel free to mention in the comments if you find any issues accessing the current link.

This is a work of Fiction, There is no harm done on the characters depicted in these works.)(All situations depict consensual and safe BDSM, or may depict situational reenactments that are safe and with out any violence nor sexual assault.)(This page does not condone any form of non-consensual acts or any type of violence whatsoever.)




This comic has been extremely rewarding. Lots of Jenn pics. Gives me great joy!