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Ratra’s Galleria closed itself to the public on the Sixthday before the semester’s beginning. The guards only let patrons of Knightly Brews and the Artifice into the estate. They were promptly escorted out as soon as they completed their transactions. Many protested and complained, wanting to visit the Edelweiss Brasserie or enjoy a drink in the grand ballroom. No matter how much money they offered or how much clout they threw around, the staff stayed strong and turned them away. The Ratra’s had assured them that no matter who complained regarding the matter, their jobs were safe.

The Galleria had hosted events several events since it changed its name year past, but it was the first where Nox closed every section besides the shops to the public. Several prominent figures around the city demanded access to the alchemical baths, offering obscene amounts of money, but they didn’t get access either.

As the owner of the most prestigious party venue in the city, Nox had to present his best face. So, the past year had involved regular shaves. Since the alchemical baths had attached salons and hairdressers, he had no excuse to keep his hair regularly trimmed and neat as well. So, he spent the afternoon soaking in the baths and getting groomed until the beautician claimed she had done her best work yet. Nox had grown accustomed to the pampering. However, he hated how much time such services took out of his day. It was an important day, though, and he had no choice but to put up with it.

A new outfit awaited Nox in his quarter. Desert spider-silk shirt. Trousers and a coat of materials he didn’t recognize. Several accessories accompanied them. His mother and Mou’s presence annoyed him more than the grooming.

“What brings you to the City of Ygg, Mother?” Nox struggled to mask his disappointment. He’d grown to tolerate the woman and even enjoyed her company on occasion, but the frequency of it frustrated him and was beyond uncomfortable.

“The alchemical baths are a Trade Empire asset,” Queen Mercer answered nonchalantly, straightening his collar. “I need to ensure they’re functioning and providing customer support to our standards.”

“Every month?” Nox asked, raising an eyebrow. “Do you not have similar assets around the continent? Doesn’t your empire have an entire army of agents for the job?”

“Yes, but I’ve been meeting with the city council as well. It's best to negotiate face-to-face when dealing with another superpower. They don’t send ambassadors like the Imperium, you know.”

“Isn’t that convenient,” Mou mumbled, tying Nox’s collar. “You can just admit that you want to attend social functions with your sons occasionally.”

“Don’t blame Mother for that,” Louis said, emerging from the suite’s bathroom. Nox wasn’t aware his half-brother had let himself into the quarters he shared with Aria, too. “Grandmother might as well be a glacial archmage. She’s an expert at withholding affection and masking emotions.”

“Hush now.” Queen Mercer stopped briefly fussing over Nox to fix Louis’ bow tie.

“Why are you dressed like you’re going to a wedding?” Nox asked his sibling, eyes narrowed.

Louis shrugged. “Mother supplied my outfit for the evening just as she did yours. I’d advise you to redirect all questions related to attire towards her.”

“A mother is allowed to dress her sons, is it not? Queenhood doesn’t let one enjoy such privileges.” She paused, eyes widening in horror and shock as she looked at Nox.

He spoke after an uncomfortably long silence. “Relax. We’ve been doing well pretending a good part of the last decade didn’t happen. Let's keep it that way.”

The women only started getting ready once they were satisfied with the two young men. They needed a couple of hours alone, leaving the brothers to talk and reconnect. Even though she had her own apartment, Mou kicked the pair out, advising them to wander around the Galleria. The event hadn’t yet begun, but a handful of guests, mostly Nox’s friends, had already arrived. Swati was among them. She threw her arms around Louis as soon as she saw him, and much to Nox’s surprise, they kissed.

It was then the pair enlightened him regarding their relationship. It started the night of the Singh Ball. The pair got talking after Nox left them alone and ended up in bed together. Then Louis accompanied her on a voyage around Daksinsthan and again during the following semester break. Queen Mercer had only just discovered their relationship, and Louis worried she wouldn’t approve or press him to end the tryst. Surprisingly, Queen Mercer hadn’t said anything regarding the relationship yet. So, the pair decided to make the evening their first public appearance.

“What do your parents think about this?” Nox asked Swati. “Are they okay with you dating a non-Daksinsthani?”

“They weren’t at first,” she answered. “Then they met Louis, he set up a trade deal with the Trade Empire for Daksinsthani spices and textiles.”

“Swati also helped get a few contacts in Ruipur, Baruipur, and Mohirat. I suspect the new trade contracts are part of the reason why Mother hasn’t said anything.”


“Sir Ratra!” Lord Oakheart called, waving at him. Guests had started to arrive. Nox was surprised to see the man arrive early. Annabelle Oakheart, his former lover, followed close behind the man with her partner, Wilson. “It’s been a while, young man. I love what you’ve done with the place!”

Louis shot Nox an amused, knowing look before pulling Swati away. Nox gestured for the man to stay, but the request went ignored. In fact, the couple burst out laughing after exchanging a handful of whispers.

“How are you, Lord Oakheart?” Nox asked, putting on his most polite smile. He had bumped into Annabelle several times over the past year, and things were no longer awkward between them, but he didn’t feel comfortable catching up around her father or new partner.

“I’m very well. Thank you.”

“Annabelle. Wilson.” He nodded to the pair, acknowledging them, and they responded in turn.

“Why don’t the pair of you get a drink?” Lord Oakheart waved his young companions toward the bar before returning his attention to his Nox. “Did you get my samples with the last delivery?”

Nox nodded. “I’m told the vintages were delicious.”

“You didn’t sample them?”

“Unfortunately, not. Fine wines are wasted on me, Lord Oakheart. They have no impact on me, thanks to my sigil, and I never developed a taste for them. The Edelweisses, Woodsons, and my aunt’s husband enjoyed them, though. They claim it's among the best wines they’ve ever had.”

“Reall?” Lord Oakheart raised an eyebrow. “I’ve sent Lady Edelweiss several samples and letters, but she still hasn’t granted me a clear response.”

“I believe most of tonight’s beverages came from your vineyards,” Nox said. “You’re influencing their decision for sure. I prefer to separate business and personal relationships. The Edelweisses are tenants as far as the brasserie is concerned. I don’t know a thing about its machinations and have no say in their decisions. You’ve always been a good business partner. If it were up to me, they’d exclusively sell your wines in the restaurant.”

“If I’m such a good business partner, why won’t you give me a clear answer regarding a wine, cheese, and smoke bar in the Galleria?” Lord Oakheart’s eyes narrowed, but his tone suggested jest. Nox knew better. He had dined with the man a handful of times during his first semester at Woodson University and heard plenty about him from Annabelle. “There would be a great deal of profit in it for both of us.”

“Refurbishment has been slow, Lord Oakheart. Despite how it looks on the surface, a good deal of the building is in disrepair. The Singhs did significant damage to the property on their way out. I only just finished getting the alchemy and artificing workshops functional. Barely a couple of months have passed since we got every part of the alchemical baths running without issue. We’ll need more time before the Galleria has space for another business, especially one of the magnitude you desire. I can’t make any promises right now, but you should know that you’re not the only interested party.”

“I was wrong about you, Nox Ratra.” Lord Oakheart sighed. He looked over his shoulder at the bar where Annabelle and Wilson stood. She laughed and conversed with Louis and Swati while Wilson stood around, looking more like her bodyguard than her partner. “You’ve proven yourself more than worthy. Perhaps my impatience got in the way of better judgment. You and Annabelle were an excellent couple. Given everything you achieved with your alchemy and the Galleria—”

“I think it's best if we do not dwell on the past, Lord Oakheart,” Nox said, putting on his best smile. “I appreciate the thought, though. Please enjoy the food. The brasserie has the finest cooks in the city. If you make an appointment with Mr Tanner, we can discuss your bar at length in a couple of months. The Galleria might be ready to accommodate you then.”

He smiled politely at the older man and moved on toward the center of the room. Everything had turned out for the better, but Lord Oaheart had caused him a fair deal of pain. It would be foolish not to consider his business proposal, but Nox still wanted to keep him at arm’s length.

Baron Edelweiss and his lovely daughter had entered the Galleria. It took Nox several minutes to weave past other guests as he sought out the pair. Utpal Banerjee of the city council had turned up with his wife and daughters. He had no choice but to spend a while talking to them. The same happened when he encountered Dean Oleg of the production department. Fortunately, the man abruptly cut the conversation short when he sighted Sapn and sped off to talk to her.

“Where have you been, lad?” The baron clapped Nox on the back when the pair finally met. They hadn’t seen each other since the last semester break. “My daughter has been all giddy to see you.”

Aria’s cheeks and ears had a slight flush to them. Her smile almost extended from one ear or another. Her traditional northern country noble clothes exposed more skin than that of the local lady’s outfits, yet she managed to look classy and beautiful. Nox had to resist the urge to kiss her as Baron Edelweiss tapped his glass and stepped onto the raised platform in the center of the room. The staff had pulled the grand piano to the circle’s edge, and the musicians waited patiently.

“Thank you for coming tonight,” Baron Edelweiss addressed the room. His volume and natural charm were enough to pause all ongoing conversations. “I’m glad to see all of your lovely faces. This evening has been a long time coming, and we’re all keen to share it with you.”

The man paused as Queen Mercer, Mou, and Sapna weaved through the crowd. They joined Nox, Aria, and the baron on the counter.

“House Edelweiss and the barony have been fans of Sir Nox Ratra ever since he saved us from extinction a year and a half ago. We were even more keen about him when he started courting my daughter and proved a reliable trade partner.” The baron took Nox and Aria’s hands. “Then, at the end of their previous semester, these two gave me a brilliant piece of news. Courting and conducting business is no longer enough for them.” Baron Edelweiss’ voice trembled as he continued. “We kept things quiet, but I’m sure most of you have guessed by now, but my daughter and this lovely young man intend to marry. House Edelweiss and Clan Ratra are to join hands officially.”

Nox was glad he didn’t have to put together a speech. Baron Edelweiss’ clunky and emotional words had done the job for him. The usually articulate man appeared to have forgotten whatever he rehearsed as tears burst through the dam. He pulled the Rose-gold and pale sapphire ring from his pocket and showed it to Aria Edelweiss. Her smile somehow grew even wider as she gave Nox her left hand. He put the delicate piece of jewelry on her ring finger and asked the weighted words even though he already knew the answer.

“My answer hasn’t changed in the last three months, Knight Ratra,” Aria said as the guests cheered and a few wolf-whistled. “I will be your lady.”


Chad Green

Let's go! My boy Nox is taking the plunge!!