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Hello Patreons & Friends. Well I have good and bad news. I will explain. Tequila Biscuit got a new job which has limited her ability to assist while getting her new routine down. Once she is settled in she will be back to assisting me with writing, editing and long term game planning. Second my son got sick and I had to take time away to take care of my family. He is better now so that is very good. Third while creating a new format for the new platform of Nasticity I created a small beta test version for myself, Tequila, and Curious to look over. We all agreed even though I invested a large amount of time the new platform was not going to deliver what we expected. HOWEVER with every set back there is progress! I am in the process of taking what I had planned for Nasticity and applying it to Nastiverse. This is a great thing! However combining the best of both games is taking more time then expected. Therefore I will not be able to post a release on 03/22/19. I am postponing the release for 03/31/19. This makes more sense for everyone. I will be able to make a bigger better release and it puts us back on our regular release date of the last day of the month. With the extra time I am able to make the release include more playable characters, more chapters, more action, more sex, and less “fluff”. To get straight to the point Nasticity is like the old Nastiverse with less talk and more action! I know you will like it! Going forward with the new platform I will be able to create more content. There will be less motion but more content. Also I know everyone will enjoy the new simple menus and cleaner look. Honestly that is taking longer then I expected because its complicated work. However once the new menus are in place I no longer have to create them and you all will enjoy the benefit going forward. Hang in there, it’s really just an extra week’s time for me to ensure the best product will be posted. While I am busy if there are any specific questions just ask, either myself or Curious can answer them. Thanks everyone! I am excited to bring you Nasticity very soon!!



As far as the new platform not delivering as expected, it is always best to learn these things as early as possible, to avoid wasted time. I'm happy that some of the concepts can be salvaged and used for Nasticity! Can't wait!


It really is going to be nice when done. Mr Deadbird cleaned up the menus


He also eliminated lot of useless stuff.even though there maybe a lost week or so it's totally worth it...in the end he


He will be able to produce more material going forward with the new platform, cutting out the motion and not having to redesign again


You and me think alike! To me it didn't "add" much to the game.. was it nice...sure...but I'd rather see more chapters...I hope Mr Deadbird reads your comment! I know he wanted to include it but since he is alone in the design, coding, drawing etc...motion took up a HUGE amount of time for such a little amount of a story! Glad you feel the same and understand.


I'm always reading dudes!


Well it give you essential data, so it's always a good thing to have an eye on it.


I agree! did you see the additional preggo brooke? I may post more today but no one is commenting!


A good thing, does take a while to get ready.


For sure...as the saying goes...Rome wasn't built in a day!