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Hello Everyone! Its Mr Deadbird here with a two big announcements. I want to tell you all that the new project “Nasticity” is moving along great! There is still a lot more work for me to complete but I am very happy with the way the game is progressing. Like I’ve explained before this new version will play more like a game instead of a storyboard. The best part about it is that you can replay the game over and over with different choices that result in different outcomes…both good and bad. The game is more random which will result in a different experience each time you play it. So it won’t be like a “one and done” like the original Nastiverse.
It’s a lot of work and very time consuming which brings me to my second big announcement. With me spending more time writing, developing, designing, coding, drawing, animating…well I think you get the point. It’s a lot of work for one man. That’s why I have a friend of mine who is going to be like a Public Relations person for me. I think you all gotten to know him a little bit. It’s Curiousytown. You can just call him “C-man” or “Curious”. He’s been with me since the beginning and is going to assist me in answering questions, communicating details, updating progress, posting some samples and keeping everyone up to date. I’m still the man in charge, but this gives me more time to focus on the game and also gives you guys some more updates on progress, more real time. There is a lot of behind the scenes work that not everyone sees…Curious will keep you posted on all of it and report back to me.
Finally I want to thank each and every patron new and old who’ve supported me and stuck with me through the changing and developing of this project. Trust me it will be worth it! I know you will all be happy and pleased when the new release is posted and you can appreciate how much better Nasticity will be! Remember it’s based on Nastiverse…its just bigger and better. More characters, more locations, more freedom, more choices for you players and most importantly more nasty SEX!!!



Well, then you should recruiting some Teammates as Programers.


That is a possibility when the new format is established and running. Mr Deadbird is a perfectionist so he wants to get everything just "right" himself. That's not to say hiring an assistant or a few isn't out of the question. In fact that is one of Mr Deadbird's goals, is to hire a team when he gets established and gets more Patreons to support him so he can pay a staff to help. Thanks for your suggestion and continued support. Patreons like you is whats going to grow Nasticity bigger and better.


Great news! Congratulations, Curiousytown ... it sounds like a great assignment!


Thanks man!! I'm helping Mr Deadbird out so he can spend more time drawing and designing


Mr Deadbird intends to .. however he needs to get more patreons so he can both feed his family (and buy cigarettes & beer) and pay them. The bigger Nasticiti gets and the more pople who support ...the bigger staff Mr Deadbird can hire. Thank you for your support!


Maybe if the Game turn out good, it would been an idea to publish it on platforms like dlsite or so.


Thanks Killy_Blame! We'll definitely have to look into that platform and any others any one can think of! Once we get a good base of the game going we are going to really start to market it! Thanks for the awesome suggestion!


Well dlsite or nutaku are the most famous ones, but well steam may be also be a possibility. But i think the first two, should be the best ones. And well i think, a good start for the Game would be around 6 - 8 Start Chars as Main. And every further Development, could be made by dlc pack. Were 3 - 4 new Chars should be added to the game.


Great thanks! I'll be sure to remind Mr Deadbird....if he hasn't already seen this posting. Great Help! I know he appreciates it!