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What changes and progress will be in the next Update?:

Awesome question! For the next update we are working on many things. Brooke Ch6, Louise Ch1 as well as finishing Lily Chapter 2. 

We have a great outline for Brooke's chapter and it will include some of the other sponsored characters.

For  Louise we have a nice intro chapter where you will finally get to meet this this Good Girl!

Lily Chapter 2 finally will be ready as well for the next release! It will show what happens when the guys from the liquor store decide to work together!

That's what we'll have on the next release of Nastiverse! 



Sounds awesome!


Sounds great!!! Can't wait!! Any sneak peak of Julie? Or anything?


Curious, hope it will be really cool.


And Monica? no updates?


I’m looking forward to Lily’s story! Damn I cannot wait for the conclusion! Wish her story was longer :(


Are you going to make one big release or ever think of doing releases for each chapter for each girl instead of all at once?