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Hey there!

Is this coming out of no where? Yes 😂 But I felt like filming these last Friday (yeah, I'm taking my sweet time dropping these ...) and I had quite a lot of fun and wanted to share with you guys! 

Jungkook 'Seven' explicit version   If you're under 18 ... maybe do not watch this? ☠️😆

EXO Killing voice   fyi, the audio here isn't as great as it usually is. I left it in the video and you'll be able to see for yourself, but there was a technical issue and my screen recording (that's connected to my better mic) did not save 🙃 It's not terrible but it's definitely noticeable unfortunately. 

The first listens are coming btw, I promise you they are nsnsns 

Thank you guys for your patience and see you again soon 💛


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