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Hey there💛 I hope everyone's doing fine!

I'm dropping everything at the last minute aren't I nsnsns Sorry for keeping you waiting but it's finally here! 

First we've got the listening party for ATEEZ! When I tell you ATEEZ is a group that feeds my creativity and makes me adventurous (well, at least in my imagination), THIS is what I mean 😩 It's always such an amazing experience to be discovering their new songs and concepts etc! 

Then, we've got SEVENTEEN which, for some reasons, I had convinced myself I had already listened to in its entirety when in actuality I just checked the title track and FML because they had MV and completely skipped the rest of the album?!  😐
But thank you for reminding me of it because I had a blast! Once again, I'm thankful to be able to actually see in my head and to be able to create scenarios in there because wow. I went from being in a Michelin restaurant to the bedroom, to then a drama set in the 80's maybe and then Vietnam! Weird association but that's what happened nsnnssn  

Anyways, I hope the background noise from the construction/demolition isn't bothering you too too much 😣 It's something we'll both have to get used to for the year ahead unfortunately! 

I hope you guys enjoyed the video, thank you for the reminder and I'll see you all next time! Take care guys  ☺️



No problem 😊 I'm hoping to sit down next week to check the first ep! Basically if I can, I'd rather check the episodes periodically than all at once.


Can’t wait 😍 So excited 🤩

Jessica Diane

Would you consider reacting to Seventeen X Game Caterers when you have time? Your reaction to Hybe x Game Caterers was great!