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Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well!

Just wanted to let you know that I'll be deleting the CUOK videos from last year from my Dropbox. They've since been uploaded on Youtube (apart for those which have been blocked🙃) and they're taking quite a large space on Dropbox.
That will also allow me to add new (long) videos nsnsnsn

So what's to come?  😌
The first listenings for B.I and Stray Kids, the second round of performances of Queendom Puzzle and the first 3 episodes of PEAK TIME (which spoiler alert: I already LOVE watching!).

The poll for this month's CUOK will be up in the next few days and so if you've got any recommendations, I'm all ear!

Thank you all so so much and see you soon! Take care everyone ❤️



For CUOK Alexa dropped a new music video it’s so good it’s called Juliette