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Hey there 😌 I hope you've all been well! And it hasn't been going well, I'm sending you a big hug cause we all need one from time to time!

I should have put these here a while ago already but forgot once again! I don't know if it's because I'm just tired or if it's the age but I've been forgetting things recently ... it's starting to become alarming nsnsnsn 

Anyway, I hope you guys still get to enjoy these two videos: 

TWICE Album 1st Listen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cx881n56wel2eum/twice%20album%20first%20listen.mov?dl=0

KAI Album 1st Listen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9f3tc9cg43ssxsc/kai-4K.mov?dl=0

Just wanted to say also btw that I don't intend on quitting watching Boys Planet!!! I'll be back at it once I feel like having enough energy to go through it. I don't want to give you a halfass video where I'm not really there to enjoy you know. I hope you guys understand!

Thank you all, love you  ❤️



Thank you so much! I hope you can manage to gain that energy of yours back :] EP7 of Boys Planet was really good!