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Hello everyone!

Seeing how well it worked having all the archived content in a single Google Drive link, I've decided to do the same with the rest of my content, moving all of it and reorganizing it into three different links for each tier reward (Suggestion posts and polls will still be posted here on Patreon)

Each of the posts on my page will have a link that will take you to a single post here, where you will find the Google Drive links for each tier, to give you access to all the available content. That way, new patrons will be able to download all the content at once, while older patrons can simply download specific posts much easier

The Google Drive links will be updated once a week, so all the old links will stop working. That way, I can make sure that any new content can only be accessed by active patrons

Keep in mind that some of the content might not be available for a couple of hours while I work on this, but I'll try to finish as soon as possible

Please, tell me in the comments if you have any questions or suggestions :)


Uncle Flaco

Solid Plan Pal :D 👍