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I've made an important post on Twitter.

Please note that you don't have to stay here if you think you're wasting your money on a dead Patreon campaing.
I hope to be better soon to give you the content that you expected and I wanted to produce.



I don’t think you get it just yet, I continue to support because you deserve it!! I’ll be supporting until the bitter end, no matter what you post in this Patreon!! Not even just for your treatment, but for all you do!!!


we will continue to support you! It's one of the only ways we can help you right now. Take as long as you need to get better and take care of yourself ♥ we love you

Unusual Unity

Can't get rid of me that easily! In all seriousness, I hope you can find your way back to joy, soon

Miku ♡ Pinku

I'll be always support you! And I everyone who still stay here understand what you're dealing with. I know things will get better.