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And the winner wiafu of the month is Juvia. I will be working on the drawing today to upload it on Monday night at the latest.

I also want to tell you that I have received bad news. Due to the situation of COVID-19, the hotel where I work (worked) gave us 2 options:

1. A license of 12 months with no salary but I'll receive a small bonus for the next 4 months (this will cover health insurance only).
2. Be fired and receive money according to the length of time within the company.

I chose the first option because it assures me the re-employment the following year. I have not been active because I have been planning with my father to open a food truck to work here while the situation improves. In addition to helping my grandmother with hospital stuff (her medications, etc). So I apologize.

In July I will be working on the gold tier commissions to make a decision on  August:

If leave the patreon to accept commissions only or continue it but eliminating the gold tier and I will only accept 4 commissions per month. Since my work rhythm as you have seen is slow.

There is still time to think about it and don't worry, I don't forget you. I only ask you patience (more than I deserve). Remember that in July the patreon will not be charged because it will be paused but I suggest cancel your tier for any case.

You can add me on Discord Katio#8576 I like to keep in touch and give you updates about your commission progress or just chatting. Thank you very much and I hope you are well.


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