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Please enjoy the inks version of the The Secret Hysteria of Pepper Parker #7 panel pencils we shared with you back in June.  

Please Note: This comic will be available for purchase at MTJpub.com later this year!   




She just needs to focus all her strength and then she will be free. Can't be that hard...right?

John D Jones

I admit I hope that after the Police Interrogation finishes, third monthly spot goes to something else for a while. Figure The Great Tickle Mystery has maybe 2-4 more full issues (and this 2-4 more years) and Joey Lynx is pretty well established with the second spot. Still, I'll say again that I'd really like one monthly spot set aside for shorter stories as was the case with the beginning of this Patreon. Spotlight some on Dusty's crew members. Maybe something with one of the Bounce Chix. Do a focus on Kyu or give a bit of time to other characters.

Jessica Koza

Sooo mean to tie Pepper to weights. She can never escape with all the tickles. :P <3


A fit Pepper is a happy Pepper. And a happy Pepper is a fit Pepper!!! XDDDDD


Thanks so much for the kind feedback. In fact, you are in good hands. I don't want to spoil any surprises...but let me put it this way...I think you will be both surprised (and hopefully delighted) by an announcement that will be hitting Patreon in September! And thanks again for your generous support and caring input!


Love Pepper's hair in this(I promise I was paying attention to her hair XD). I agree with Jessica the idea to tie her to the weights is so devilishly cruel and so creative by you and your team:). You never disappoint Bandito!!


I know, right??? That hair band really makes her whole look sing. That and the skin tight work out outfit. The body on Mrs. Parker should be ILLEGAL! But I am glad it is not.