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From Left to Right:  TheTicklish Devil,  Annabelle the Mad Doctor , Captain Dusty, Operative Kyu, and Countess Winnie!

Hope you all are safe and well.  These have been some seriously crazy times we’re living through.  With that in mind, I thought it would  be fun to share some laughs with our close friends.  So, please join me  in blowing off some steam with Countess Winnie from FOUL PLAY, Captain Dusty from TICKLING IN SPACE, Annabelle the Mad Doctor from BUMP IN THE  NIGHT, a new comer to the group Operative Kyū from an upcoming series,  and a new…er…old…well, returning character - The Ticklish Devil from the  NAUGHTY ANGEL TICKLISH DEVIL series (yes…there’s a surprise coming your  way soon on this topic).  It’s a blast being able to come together and  laugh ourselves silly, even in this age of polarization and physical  distancing. We love you all, and truly appreciate your support!

More tickle goodness coming soon - keep your chin up!

-The Bandito



Jessica Koza



Thanks so much, good buddy! I am so thrilled that you enjoyed it!


Yay for the HYPE! I hope to be able to titillate and delight you with a couple new series surprises in the coming weeks! Stay tuned, dear friend. And thanks, always, for all your support!


So damn hot. Look at all this ladies laughing their sexy heads off. Sheer perfection


Thanks, Marvin! As always, I truly truly appreciate your kind comments. 😍💕❤️


Operative Kyū huh? And oh my God...NAUGHTY DEVIL! I'VE WANTED TO SEE MORE OF HER FOR DAMN YEARS! HOLY SHIIIIIT! Annabelle's face is absolutely incredible here! Is it just me or is Winnie a bit more endowed than the rest of our unfortunate crew here? Dusty is soooooo cute. My lord. this illustration is SO FUN! I love it! I adore it! <3


Thank you so very much for the very kind support, good buddy! I truly appreciate it! As for the Devil...I was hoping that would catch your interest. Yeah...there are definitely some very very naughty things coming for our ticklish ticklish devil. More info very soon! And thanks again for the very great input on the header illustration!