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Whoops! Callie got blindsided! Piper is asking the hard-hitting questions.

Continued thanks for the Patreon cameos: Cur, from Chaon! Callie, from Zaukodar! Jentzen, from CrookedGlasses! Jonas, from Jonas! Kira, from Ashley Nichols! 




Ah, the age-old conundrum of how do you teach the younger generation to avoid "that which we do not speak of" without speaking about it?

Wilford B. Wolf

Is Piper... mellowing out? It looks like Marie, Tamberlane and Piper have band together only the way preteen girls can... Meanwhile, Anthony goes from excited to distressed in a heartbeat.

Wilford B. Wolf

Given some of the other comments, perhaps it has gone so long unspoken (it's been at least 576 years, remember) no one remembers why they're supposed to be afraid of Abroad in the first place.

Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover

She's (Piper) spent some time with Isaiah in the glassblowing shop to finalize her grounding after cleaning the latrines. The panther is still an intimidating presence to the young lady, but she watched him construct more figurines and ornaments for the winter season. The shop also has the benefit of being one of the warmest places in Treehollow during the colder months of the year! {Headcanon}