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Hello everyone!

Sorry for the delays, I've been a bit more occupied lately.

I have some good news: my new drawing tablet finally arrived last week! but I wasn't able to use it until now because I got sick for almost ten days, but now that I'm felling much better, I started to practice.

There are still some settings and other things that need to be modified to make it work properly, as drawing on it feels different from my old digitizer.

The drawing above was made completely with the new tablet. As you can see, the line art and some other details were made by hand and have a different look than the artificial line art I normally use, It took just a couple of days to be made, based on a very old sketch.

Now, before I use this new device to work on other (previous and future) drawings , I'm going to need some more practice, so I decided to make more new quick drawings like the one above to enhance my abilities, they won't take much time to be completed, so wait for the next one in a couple of days :)

This is not the last piece of equipment on the list, there are more items on the way! 

Thanks to you all for your support!




PSD FILE DOWNLOAD LINK: www.mediafire.com/file/04jycfkfj363nr8/Catgirl_Twilight.zip/file


Something seems a little wrong with the file; the body is hidden by default and there's just a floating set of facial features. I easily fixed it by moving the body layer outside of the folders, but still. Glad to see a quick piece too. Lovely body practice. Her hands turned out very nice, as did her shoulders and booba.