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Poldara attemted one last time to wiggle free as she was slowly being lowered into one of the pits, to be hung upside down for a century.  She could hear the moans and cries from her female kinsman from the surrounding pits as they were randomly shocked, or the load desperate cries as a certain suit would glow brighter, signalling a more intense discharge of magical energy of their sensitive areas.  This treatment would dive anyone mad after days, but 100 years...?! 




Minor nitpick, but should her ear be sticking out from the 'earmuff' like that?


Ah yes, well the typical earmuffs could cover a human ear or the succubus ones, but those elf ears are too long, and I think a triangle design to cover the whole thing might be overkill, so I just kinda did this


Ahh, right! I was thinking of that Aysis and Rocky dark-iron pic!


The dark elves must think that only they are deserving of a thousand year lifespan. So, they ruthlessly "harness" regular elves' copycat lifespans against them!