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If any of you follow me on twitter, you'll know that I've been doing Curiouscat requests for the past few months.

These are fun little requests that people send to me and I pick and choose which ones I like most and sketch them out in black and white. 

I want to bring this feature to all of you now. Starting today, you'll be able to submit your suggestions to me, personally! Either here via DMs, in the comments of posts I label JOKER'S CARD REQUESTS, or in the discord server!

Now, understand that just because you suggest it, doesn't always mean it will get done. These aren't like your monthly patron requests where I'm required to do them as you want them. The more I like the idea/character, the more likely I'll be to actually sketch it out. 

Hell, if I REALLY like it, it could end up being fully colored and rendered like my usual posts!

I hope you all enjoy this new feature!



So is this one of those posts or just the announcement?


This is technically one of those posts, but all future posts will be titled "Joker's Card Requests"