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This is it, the votes are over, and these are the results to the last vote :

Muscle Airline, Henry Cavill Lookalike Running, Muscle worship at the gymand Sexy back made it to the final selection.

We have now all the images for the calendar.

I'm meeting my great printer Alice on Tuesday to start the printing process. :-)

This is the final round for the preorders. If you haven't preorder the calendar yet, visit my Etsy Store: https://albronmuscleshop.etsy.com

By preordering, you'll get 3 exclusive posters (NSFW images). Digital if you choose the digital calendar or digital pack, physical is you choose the physical Calendar, and both if you choose the Physical and Digital Adult Pack. This year, you have the choice to pick what you want. :-)

Please note that Patrons on Patreon can have a promo code. You'll find this promo code (10% off) in a previous message about the preorder of the calendar: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-preoders-88486564

Thank you for your support.

Take a good care of yourself,




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