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It's funny cause I did this at midnight XD

Now for real ^^ since you all voted the one chosen for the Stocks is MIDNIGHT! from Boku no Hero ^^ I wanted to finish this pic before posting it but I am hella tired! so :D for now the sketch version I may or may not change the tickle tools ^^ but for now is a simple lovely pic with our little "exhibitionist" Heroine getting a bit of "doom" or maybe is her "tickle hell"

Anyways :D hope you like it! and I will try to really finish it with color later ^^ and maybe do draw her in a different idea in some other time but for now hope you like it!

and Hey suggest ideas I still would like to do a more crazy creative picture for her tickled! 






Oooh. Are those claws I see? I wonder if those claws belong to a certain someone... and if that certain someone is a feline, and will be bringing that lovely feline tongue into the mix when the pic is done? I can't wait, cuz it looks great so far!