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Hey all, I got several messages about content being locked and how to see it.

Since I changed over to the new top tier, the old content from the old top tier is locked till I switch it all over to the new tier.

So I am going to start on getting all that old content listed for the new top tier, but it'll take a bit to get all of it. It's something like 1300 posts and unfortunately there's no way to bulk update posts on Patreon. So I'm going to do my best to just switch stuff over in batches each day.

Will start today after I'm done with a few things I gotta take care of.

Thanks for hanging in there with me while I get everything in place!



I was curious what had happened, I thought Patron glitched from my end. Now that I know what's up it's all good, take your time.


Thanks for the update, I've loved your art for years now, glad I finally have enough disposable income to contribute even if it's just 10 bucks a month :)


Aw, thanks a bunch! It's really appreciated! I'm just happy I can keep bringing art to people each month. Thanks again for contributing!