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Jam's got a cold! I know how she feels!

Sorry for the long delay on a new Ask Jam everyone, unfortunately I've been hit by a hell of a cold. I thought I was over it and then it came back strong. So I've mostly been in bed.

I wanted to post this so everyone knows I'm still kicking, even if its just sicky-kicking.

Gonna go climb back in bed. Hope you're all doing okay



Jade B

This has cursed implications for the Ask Jam lore(tm)

Chris Scott

Wait. The one brain thumb ape is extinct here?


Cursed lore is best lore


Soon get well! Take it a rest! 🥺


How many brains do Jam and Plum have?!?


Jessi is a cute nickname. Cute comic, they’re so good together. Although this also poses some interesting/troubling lore, like those tidbits sprinkled throughout many cartoons XD


Lizards (and probably dinosaurs) have a cluster of nerves known as a "hindbrain." Takes care of certain reflex actions.