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Well... I have problems with my pancreas. And the worst part is that I don't have health insurance here. I really need to go home. For two weeks I could only lie on my right side, unable to work, walk, or stand. It was scary...

My condition is better now, but I still have problems.

But there is also good news. I finally bought my tickets home and I should be home by September 16! I can't believe this is going to end any time soon.

I will make a lot of content in the second part of this month, or I'll make next month (October) free for all current patrons, if I won't be able to work in September.

Once again, I apologize for the delay. Previous animation is now open for $5 patrons.

Attached picture - WIP from the new animation in work.




Worry about your health first and foremost! Everything else comes second. Wish you the best <3


Not at all. Your health comes first. I hope, as well as I am sure many others here, wish you all the best and things improve as they have done thus far. I forgot to add, about the image here, goodness me them models are top notch stuff. Looking forward to the final thing.


Please take care of yourself, we do still need you to make more stuff down the road! Seriously, though, no issue. Get yourself cured or at least medicated if possible, stabilize yourself, so you don't have to fall on your side and stay there.


Yoooooo, is that Rarijack I see? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


I hope all goes well over there and take it easy with your health!


Don't worry about delays. Your health is the most important. I wish you the best!


Get well and good luck 👍

The Magic Boy

Hey prioritize your health!

Bob Hershey

Don't worry about doing animations right now. I've waited all this time for my Luna and Celestia bondage animation...I can wait a while longer. Your health comes first.


What is the status of the Twilight/Chrysalis animation? We have not been updated on it for several weeks


Uhhh I'll pray for your health... you will get better soon


No, it is not. 3months ago a post was made for Twilight And Chrysalis WIP, which was a massive 2 min + animation EQAMRD has been working on that he claimed was 70% done featuring twilight trapped in slime. We have received no further notice. If you think it is actually out, please post the link to the post.


I'm not worried about getting a free month. Take care.

jordan biggs

Please for the love of god i hope you'll get better soon! something about having pancreas problems always seems to be life threatening, so i pray that you'll get better. ;n;


Chrysalis and Twilight animation: I'm started rendering of the last 4 large scenes. I'm also searching for voice actors and maybe sound designers