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A small preview of previously requested animation. It is currently in work and will be finished soon. 

Double Sun animation is now available for 5$  patrons! I apologize for the delay (problems with the Internet, again).

Upd for big animation about Chrysalis and Twilight: new scenes not rendered, but I made post-processing for all already rendered scenes. At this point, this animation is more than 2 minutes long!




Oof! Fantastic to see this will have some expansion in it, especially voluptuousness expansion.


How to increase effectiveness as a Changeling


There will be a lot of expansion and even a small storyline!


Yeeeeep, this animation is about Chrysalis changing before the wedding.


Now that you mention that, is there a possibility you will be using voice actors in your future animations, both short and long?


Oh yes, can't wait to see some more expansion!


I've been thinking about professional voice acting. Maybe someone knows voice actors who can help with this?


Can't want to finally see the Chrysalis and Twilight animation; really looking forward to it.

Third Wheel

Lalalexxi does quite a bit of voice acting for 3d clop animations, mainly stuff Hooves-art makes. Wubcake is also really good and willing to do NSFW, if you can get her on.