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Final fixed animation with several improvements. I planned to make this post yesterday, but due to problems with the Internet, I'll post it only today. Twilight and Chrysalis animation is rendered by 60%. A lot of render time is taken up by these small animations like the pool animation, but without it Patreon page would be empty for a whole month. So I will continue to work on short animations at the same time in addition to large ones.

     ---->  Link to animation   <----  

  (Will be open for 5$ patrons really soon!) 




AJ 👀

Nontendo Sexty-Four

Does render time prevent you from doing more animation per month? I'm wondering if you've looked into the cost of cloud rendering (like from Autodesk or Chaos) as a milestone goal


Love the characters added to the scene, makes it feel more lively and adds just a little extra to look at


With additional characters, I wanted to make this place more lively and enhance effect of " hidden public mastrubation"


There are several problems. Not every company will take work with "hot content" (all scenes are checked for performance by people before rendering). Also, prices for cloud rendering were very high when I was interested in this issue. Very high. Maybe now something has changed, I will check prices again.

Nontendo Sexty-Four

No, they probably haven't - I hadn't looked into the prices myself and was curious if you had already. Too bad. Well, if you ever want any help rendering let me know, I've got a couple decently beefy PCs that aren't being used all the time. (Provided you don't need extra licenses and the rendering can be done on Linux, that is.)


where can i download this? the link goes to magic glitch.


If you're looking for horsepower, I've got a pc with a 3090 that I haven't been using much of due to work. If there's a way I could give you use of that while I'm off on trips I'd love to put it to work for you!


All these animations are already in the 2020 pack. It will be fully completed within a week. Write me a PM and I will send you a link to full 2020 pack (if you was subscribed to my patreon page in 2020, otherwise you need to subscribe on $25 tier at least one time and also write me a PM.


Really? So now we have to pay 25dollars for something that is clearly a fuck up from your end. As the other people already said we end up in the magic glitch area, which I would guess is not meant to happen. Try it out for yourself, click on the link and see where it follows.