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  • Intro.mp4



During this work many problems were found (they remained in this animation) and solution of which helped to improve further works. 

Nude version is only for patrons (watchers will get it in two weeks), SFW version is open immediately for all!

You can download attached video.

Current task: M6 characters and many minor fixes for Luna and Celestia.



Bob Hershey

The glow of the fireplace in the hallway...The dozen or so flimsy curtains billowing in the breeze...the light reflecting off their outfits (and eyes)...it's no wonder this took so long to render!


You're right. If hair slow down render in ten times, hair + reflection slow down render in a hundred times (hair also reflect surrounding scene). Curtains require a lot of RAM, so in scenes with them there is only one real character (Celestia in the distance is just a plane with prerendered picture).


Tell me, is it a part of a longer animation. Please tell me IT IS.


Various animations of Luna and Celestia duo definitely will be made in future, so this is only start!


if i can expect more of this i will certainly stay!


Several people said they want a sequel of this animation. So I will thinking over scenes and movements while finishing the M6.


another scene like this and my heart will explode from the perfectness of this! :D


Yeah, I'm working on it. Unguligrade anthro modification can be applied to all existing characters, as well as new ones.

The Magic Boy

This is absolutely wonderful please make more!! (I just noticed that Luna loses her gloves when she does the horn lick


Looks like I was in a hurry and didn't notice how gloves disappeared 0.o