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Hi everyone!

As I'm sure many of you have noticed, CuddleCore has a Patreon discord now!

For the sake of keeping things secure, I'll be posting Patreon works to Discord!

If any of y'all have issues getting access to the Discord, pop me a message on here and I'll send you a link! <3

New post tonight, and I'm working on the Marceline spice as we speak <.<

have a lovely week everyone <3


Swag Messiah

Hey! For some reason I'm unable to message you directly to getting access to discord, if by any chance can you message me if you can, thank you and I love your work!

Eric R S Castillo

Could I also get a link to your discord please


May I have the discord plz?

John Niemeyer

Mind sending a link? Can't quite find it anywhere