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Hello to all our investors & board of directors - apologies for the delay on this month's budget; we've been transferring some accounting stuff into a new DSG account instead of always using Toast's personal accounts (yes, we are starting to become a real company!).

Note: these are actual numbers for July & budgeted numbers for August and beyond. We'll be sharing August's final numbers in early September.

July & August had an increase in misc expenses due to both GC and NACL team bootcamping in LA. August also includes performance escalators for the GC team after placing Top 3, as well as our NACL coach GoldenGlue receiving a performance bonus for winning the NACL (he negotiated that when we signed him). Expenses for the NACL celebratory victory dinner is not on here as it was paid on Toast's personal card (thanks boss). 

Overall our costs have been declining MoM as each esports season is coming to a close for the year, and we have some revenue due to all of you (thank you our investors!!!). Moving into Q4, a big focus of ours will be events & marketing




Hey, we loss less that's a huge W


Great coach, analyst and players. 🎉