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Hellooo! Comin' at you live from Lighttown, this IS the late night content dump. I'm your host, Latesource~ Intro aside, what's up yall! Hope the years been good so far, things have really zoomed by, we're already on the 3rd month! Not much stuff to update yous guys on right now, Feb was a pretty short month overall, but I got some updates here n there. 

Valentines Day Comic- In true Light fashion, comic ended up being much longer than I originally intended, so wasn't able to make it in time for Vday, but hey, always next year. I def wanted it done by this dump tho. Anyone who cares for Gina and her crew can be treated to a cute little story of her trying to be nice for her Trainer. 

Furryism.- So I put up a poll on my Picarto asking if I'm a furry, and over 100 voters chimed in to say that I was. As you can probably tell, this news has been devastating. To make things worse, I placed a bet that I would commit to the furry lifestyle for all this month. So March will be a furry themed batch. I will be making a poll of famous furbait to draw so look out for that after this goes live. 

Dragon Fest was a Success!- 21 Comms, 15 Dragons! 10 fucking days. Longest I've spent on a comm ""weekend"" but that's largely in part to these being WAY more intricate to draw than some gaudy spray tan chicks and some flan. I had fun tho! Dragons are....annoying as fuck to draw...but I wanted to be nice and do a sale for em. Also to test my power. Dunno if I'll be doing another Chinese new year stream sale, but I miiight do another sale this year towards the end of the calendar. Shout outs to all the folks that commed me, I can make it thru this tax season probably!!

That's it! Told ya it'd be a short one lol Not much else in closing statements beyond, thanks a lot for the continued support!! You guys are awesome!! 


If you have pledged to me after the making of this post and did not get the password in the greeting message, PM asap and I can have it sent your way. All content is readily available in the Patreon's Discord Server under #content-update.



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