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Heyyyoooo Patreon! What's the dealio? Hope ur all doing well. Hittin you guys with the months content. Lots been going on of late! Twitter is now X, a lot of other sites are cropping up now. Frankly imma stay my ass right where it is. I don't think anything is gonna change the landscape until Xwitter outright bans tiddies. But we'll have to wait n see lol Got some quick updates this time around so lets hop to it:

Patreon Declines?- I have NO clue whats going on there if I had to be honest, but it's super alarming, I'll say that much! I didn't get hit with anything this payment cycle but friends have said it will affect the next payment cycle? I DUNNO man. If anyone is experiencing declines, resub to the page just to be safe. This will not affect your status for redeeming a birthday token.

Comms?!- I got a few to wrap up within this month, but I'm hoppin RIGHT back into the flames to see if I can buff myself for any potential fallout from this Patreon oopsie woopsie. Going back to my roots of Back To School Comms! This time around, you can get 20% off if your comm is Gyaru/Teacher/Uniform themed. One thing I learned is that while doing FlamMay is that I love variety but comms are just a pain unless theres a centralized theme. And who knows, maybe I'll hate this too, but I gotta try more options lol This will be stream comms like FlamMay, so if you don't make it the weekend of, you're SOL. So here's your heads up to save dosh and get plans worked out lol

Portfolio Making!- This batch is for the most part SFW. Been making artworks to fill out my portfolio so I could have a better running in getting a table at con this year! Crossing my fingers and toes that I can do the thing, but like, if it doesn't happen, I'm gonna have to fall back on digital sales. Last month and this month have seen my energy going into a lot of poppy fanart. Been trying to make my Instagram and Deviantart look more appealing. And if I can't get into my local con, I'll have to look into flying out to neighboring ones! I really just need to stop being pussy about it. But yeah. Next month will be more fruitful in coom. 

Thought there'd be more? Hm. Yea that's all I got. Lemme hit yall with the link and we can all be on our merry way:


If you have pledged to me after the making of this post and did  not get the password in the greeting message, PM asap and I can have  it sent your way. All content is readily available in the Patreon's Discord Server under #content-update.




The link expired. Can it get renewed? Missed this one!


Damn, i missed it too. Been super busy for the last couple of months