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AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Ah. Okay. I am BACK!! You guys wouldn't have noticed but I was out of commission for a bit lmao I can't catch a goddamn break this new year 😭 BUT IMMA HOLD MY HEAD UP. CAN'T LET LIFE KICK YOU DOWN. Okay lemme actually explain this shit lmao

Tech issues...like a lotta tech issues! - So amidst me working on my last Fate comic, I decided to take a break for a solid week because my body was just falling to pieces after consecutive 14 hour long draw sessions. Feeling super refreshed some days into things, I decided to get working earlier than planned. Only to be greeted by my tablet being unresponsive. Yeah, 'ol reliable finally kicked the bucket for good. The tablet itself was dated af hardware so I was already planning to get a new one this year but FUCK. Had to scramble around to nab some funds to get a new one. Tablet gets here, sweet. But what happens next? MY LAPTOP JUST FUCKIN' DIES. I can't make this shit up, at this point it felt like some sick voodoo was cast on me. Scrambled around AGAIN to get funds to repair my laptop because I just don't have enough to buy a new rig with all these specs in such short time. Safe to say, I'm all sorted now but MAN, because of that break, I was out  for around 2 weeks trying to figure out stuff. 

New Year Newish Me!- With a technically new laptop and a new tablet, I'm ready to draw all the fucking things!! Was a little worried about how my art would look with this new tabby since it's colors are a little dingy on the surface, but I think it's been good for the few illustrations I've done on it so far! Though pics might be a liiittle darker/more saturated than I intend. Overall, it's not a style-breaking difference. It's the Cintiq 16 and BOY was I overdue an upgrade. This tablet feels fantastic, I have soooo much more control over my brush strokes and a lot more range in pressure when painting. The only downside is no buttons on the side, but I bought a nifty little remote for that. My trademark LightSpeed will take a while to return as I build new muscle memory for all the assigned keys. 

A bit of a negative point tho, my lappy, while refreshed, is not 100% up to snuff. It's a little laggy here and there(mostly with saving mega large art files) so I will have to look into buying a new pc within the next year or two.

My Slice of Chaldea Complete, Available Now!- The full comic is now available on Patreon! As said before, the link is the same, so if you have the comic, all you need to do is refresh. Completed comic has an additional 10 bonus illustrations and 2 guest artworks. My Slice of Chaldea goes live on Gumroad 2/14/23! If you are at the appropriate tier, DM me for a link if you haven't nabbed it yet!

C*mmissions?!- If it hasn't been abundantly clear yet, I'm really poor rn!! I could use all the funds I could get, dare I say, an emergency batch? Originally wanted to do a themed batch around spring but I may have to do something earlier. I know nows not the best time for folks to be shelling out what with tax season and all, but shit nigga, I gotta pay my taxes too, help lmao I'll make a post opening a very limited pool of comms sometime in the week. I still have some art I owe folks from the lappy and tabby situation so I want to clear those up before I start anew. Either way, keep an eye out and like...a minimun of $120 available lmao

Poll? Poll. - I need to do one for this new year. Gonna do some quick random characters, not a mega poll like usual. This one will be one for the zoomers so, look out for that in the next week as well. 

Bout it for this one! I'm 40 minutes over my time limit, I can't use my West coast excuse anymore!! I should be dumping all my pics in the Discord tomorrow(today) so that should be fun around the usual posting hours. Take care all! I will see you in March!!


If you have pledged to me after the making of this post and did not get the password in the greeting message, PM asap and I can have it sent  your way.  All content is readily available in the Patreon's Discord Server under #content-update.




White Snake got me feeling some kind of way…

August (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-24 04:25:48 Thanks for the rest of the variations, Light! <3
2023-02-13 05:23:25 Thanks for the rest of the variations, Light! <3

Thanks for the rest of the variations, Light! <3