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CAN I JUST GET MY SHIT TOGETHER MAN, DAMN! 2021 has been very...overwhelming lol This "Move" has been taking a lot out of my time and attention, but I'm happy to say, I'm finally moved in!! While I hoped I could have shown pics of the new pad, unfortunately, I'm still waiting on a sofa to get here that'll pretty much tie the whole place together lol Almost there! Yea no, it was a long time coming, but I comfortably say I'm...comfortable...in my new space haha Can't say I have a ton of bullet points to go over this month, there's been a lot of...slow progress, but I'll try to put um in an order that's digestible lol

Birthdays Birthdays Birthdays!- Damn, so many goddamn birthdays these last 2 months lol happy to do these stacked ones tho! Much love to my long time supporters<3 Sucks for me tho 'cuz even at my quickest, b-day wishes are still time consuming work. For that reason, comic stuff has been somewhat held up. May need to up the tier on these in the future to regulate supply and demand lol

Hydrate! Kickin' Back The Horny full comic still in progress- As mentioned above, I was in a bit of a birthday hole but I'm good now. Would love to get some progress in now that my plates a little less crowded. Bikini's Bottom goes live this week, so I'm hoping I can have anywhere between a 1-2 week gap on releases.

I'm Horny!!- FUCK MAN THEY'RE ALL SO GOOD! Hentai poll was great, I was smart to put a ton of options I loved and nothing I felt were just to fill out numbers. I'm going to be doing pinup art of the top 10 choices(okay technically 9 but also there were ties so) with the top 5 being more raunchy leading up to our winner. Grats to our little redhead Succubus! Gonna be a min before I get to her, but I'm already winding down with 4 girls done and 4 girls on the way. The next 4 girls will count towards this batch, so expect to refresh this link soon. Top 5 and winner will be for next months dump. 

Mixed Medley Poll Live!- Originally planned for the latter half of last month, this poll should be up by the making of this post. All options were cultivated from our larger pledged patrons, so thank them for what you end up picking. Unlike the last poll, I will only be making a set of the winner, so choose wisely! No runner ups!

I think that covers everything for now? Should be. I don't usually like to post during the week unless it's on the correct posting day BUT figured I'd take advantage of hump day lol Lots of stuff this batch! It's a pretty hefty wad of content. Here's hoping I can somehow make it it time next month...ToT


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