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Wow that's new. No Dropbox password mumbo jumbo? lol

Hey guys, this dumps been SUPER delayed, but cut me some slack!! I've been super overwhelmed with last minute con prep. Even now in the last few days. But alas, after this week, it'll all be done and I can get back to my usual schedule. 

This month's content is very scarce, so there's no point to going to all the trouble of passwording a bunch of sketches with a few pinups. The bulk of this months content is my latest comic Snake's Pit, an comic about the ever so curious Orochimama. 

Anyone who's interested, just PM me here and I'll link you the comic. If you are part of the Patreon Discord, just scroll up a bit in #content-update and the link should be there available to all users at the $2.50 tier and above. 

To anyone who's PM'd me in the last 2 weeks, sorry if I haven't replied, I usually get to everything in bulk over the weekends, but the last two weekends have been pretty hectic. I'll try to address any links that users may need within the next 2 hours.

I guarantee everything will be all ironed out after this weekend. Just gimme a little more time guys.

As always, thanks so much for being understanding and for your continued support. 




I like the swimsuit Tori a lot!