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Salutations my supporters! Hello new folks! It's me! Light! of the Source! Look man, my intros can't be any cheesier than the shit Discord hurls at you lol Anyways, sup all, just giving the lowdown and linking the goods. Personal life updates for anyone interested: I recently bought an AC! Gotta say this is the best investment I've made. My art production usually slows in the summer cuz it's too hot for me or my tech to survive. But now I can power through it all! Good thing too, the lappy I bought last month was DOODOO and I had to mail it back. The next one I'm looking at looks really promising, but I'll have to raise funds past what I have now to nab it. I'll get into some ideas for doing so below.

Commissions List Near End???- The comms I took way back in December? The 40+ comms I took? Almost done??!!? As of now, I have about what, 5-6 comms left? And I just finished talking with a client about one. This comms list has been really holding be back. Like I know I shit out way more personal art than comms, but it does make me uncomfortable waiting on a client to either show up to a stream or reply to a message. For the past 6 months, I've just been having this air of dread in the back of my head. And with it being the 6 month mark, I think it's time to kick things into turbo. 

TDI Poll Winner Delay- So the Total Drama winners are pretty locked in, but since the pic is pretty dang huge, it's gonna take some time to put together. I'll also need some time to throw together some practice draws since the style of the show is pretty unique. I do want to get to it soon though, next poll is gonna be fun!

Mura Comic TBA?-As said before, I need to fund a new lappy(among other investments honestly) and what better way than with everyone's fave catboy? I'm more considering the idea because I never got to do content of one of the 5 Mura's I had teased last year. Retro Mura got some play. Hero Mura got some play. Kaiju Mura got some play. Idol Mura is slated for a group project some time down the line. So I guess it's time to use Punk Mura :^)

Carole Comic IF Possible- I originally planned for Carole's comic to be a summer release cuz ya know, thought I'd be free of comms lol But seeing how it's a wopping 30+ pages of content, I don't see myself finishing it this month with everything else on my plate unless I binged her. With the recent uploads of Purin's Milk Sale, Damage Control, And Magical Mare 3.5, I wanna have some normal content before I go back to furrism. 

Another Discord Boost?!- EHHHHH?! We just got to level 1! That was fast lmao Apparently we're 1 Boost away from Lvl2 so anyone kind enough to do the thing, it'd be greatly appreciated. While I'm not crazy about 150 emotes, that server banner perk looks interesting!

Wow I'm Dumb, I Could Just- So I'm always trying to figure out ways to make managing the site easier. Last month I came up with some proposals, and they've been working fine so far. But it just dawned on me that instead of hunting people down to give them the months content when they first pledge, I can just throw passwords n stuff in the Thank You message lol This significantly halves my work and new guys get stuff faster.  I may have to shift model next month and make it that Monthly Patreon Dump passwords give access to the last 2 months($1-$2.50 tier perk), so that I only really have to address the $5+ tiers when they pledge. There's no easy way to automate this, but this is a very close fix. 

That should cover all my notes for now. Here's the linkaroo 


To go over again for the new folks, this is a collection of all the June draws for everyone who likes their content compiled in one location or  just isn't in the Patreon Discord where you can get them the same day  they're drawn. For security reasons, DM/PM(Private Message) me here on Patreon, and I can  give you the links password. If you have already done so in the previous  months, no need to message me, I'll throw you the password in a bit.  If  you have any additional questions about this months dump or would like  access to any of the previous months content, feel free to  ask.   




Hi Light! Does this mean that you're going to be opening up commissions again soon?


With comic projects slated for the summer, not lookin' for any openings til my Back to School banner in August-September