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Wait what, that's not Lus*mine...

As briefly touched upon in the last dump, given some drastic actions on a certain game companies part, I can't host content of those characters on this site. Don't even wanna risk it with the sfw stuff haha But I hope you like how everything turned out! I did some draws of Mitsuki and Toriel- our runner ups, but only really posted the former.

You can see the image set of the poll winner up on my Pixiv with all the variants and images in one sit down https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=11286859&type=all

Honestly depressing how much harder it keeps getting to comfortably post nsfw content, and where, but I'm not ballsy enough to take risks. Hope you guys can understand this rather absurd ambiguity. Another poll for this month is on the way so sit tight!

(Trying to update the site more! Expect more tidbits between content dumps~)

