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Yeeees it's time to escape August! Been a bit of an exhausting month with all the heat and weather over here. I am more than ready for us to head into the fall months! SO art wise I've got quite a few projects in the juggling act. Got started on the next comic page this last week and will be working on it probably most of September. Likewise some of my studies to help my background work has continued also! Lastly got a lot of progress on 2 side pics. Listed them out a bit below, but I'm doing some promotional/in-game art for my brothers game in addition to finally starting on art for a future artbook!

Team Wipe: Page 26 is getting work done! Bouncing back and forth between getting initial flats in while also rendering out background. Bod needs to hurry up and start taking care of this gold, I'm getting tired or rendering it out >:0!

Lords of Nysera: Finally starting into color work for this! Lots of rough ins so far, so it's going to take a bit of color tweaking to get it in a rough range that I like. 

Legends Studies: Some more studies from MML1! Working on more hard surface studies and background studies, while also mixing in some texture and detail studies!

Vault Art: Finally committing to work on my art book! Starting off with one of the first pages that is gonna show up in the book, so expect some occasional updates on this over the next few months, as it's going to be a bit more of a heavily rendered pic when done!!



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