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Wow this month sort of flew by! Had a lot of good progress on various things this month! Wrapping up with a few little side projects that have been needing some attention for a bit before I hop back into comic mode!

So first off is some new sticker ideas that are coming down the pipeline. FOlks have been really liking the Lucario content, so I figured I might spend a bit of time coming up with a sticker for my Lucario Torta. For the second, it's going to be a revamp of the old "get swol" sticker I made years ago! Finally sold out of the last few this week, so I figured it would be nice to give the sticker an upgrade!

Lastly I have a couple sketches and some progress on some art assets. Been wanting to create some tools for random posts like the PSD files, or teasers so that they can have a more professional posting feel. Having a ton of fun with them so far, and can't wait to see how they turn out!



JG Bulloon

Been a really good month for art! And looks like some great things to come!