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Hello everyone :)

First I wanted to apologize for the lack of content and updates this month. Unfortunately, I've been dealing with a problem with my payout info for a few weeks now and Patreon Support wasn't able to help, so I had no choice but to start a new Patreon page


I'll be pausing all the pledges on this page after I make this post, that way anyone that's left here once the month ends, will not be charged.

This old page will be used as a back up but starting in August, all my new content will be posted on my new page and the links on my DeviantArt will take to that page as well


Here are some important things to note:

SUBSCRIPTION MODE: I have enabled subscription mode on the new page, that way, people that join will be charged once upon joining and then monthly on the same date (as long as the pledge isn't canceled) regardless of the date they join, instead of being charged again at the beginning of the month like I've been doing with this page

For example, if you join on the 20th of August, you will be charged once upon joining and the next charge will be on September 20th, instead of charging again on September 1st.

So feel free to join before the end of the month if you wish :)

CONTENT: When you join, you will probably notice that there isn't the same amount of posts on there as there are here, but don't worry, all the exclusive pictures, psd files and animations will be available. However, I couldn't post all the sketches in time, but I might make a single post with all the old sketches if you guys want :)

None of the old polls and suggestion posts will be there either since I obviously can't copy them, but all the new ones will be posted there starting in August

All the old exclusive content from 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 (including psd files) was moved to the archive tier and they were all linked to Google Drive in one single post for each year, that will make it a lot easier for new people to download the old content :) I also removed the passwords to those posts for easier access

Once I finish posting the sketches, all the content will be exactly the same, only better organized :)

OLD ACCOUNT AND UPDATES: Like I said before, this old account will be used as backup and after the end of the month, no new content will be posted here. However, I'll be posting daily reminders until the end of the month to go to the new page and then weekly reminders in August, until nobody else is left here.

I will also pause all pledges immediately after creating this post and every month from now on until everyone moves to the new page. That way, if anyone is left here, they will not be charged

If you are new here and/or you pledged recently, don't worry, you can join the new page next month to make sure you enjoy the whole month's worth of content without having to pay twice :)


I think that's pretty much it :) Please, if you'd like to continue supporting me, don't forget to join the new page. I will pin this post and make one or two more posts before the end of the month :)


Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or send me a private message and I'll be happy to answer :)

Thank you very much for your support!



Thanks for the heads up and just followed you on your new page = )


So…will the old account be deleted? Just don’t want to pay twice XD


I'm not going to delete this page but I will stop posting on it, so there's not going to be any new content here. If you want, you can cancel your pledge here and start fresh on the new account on August 1st, that way you can have all the new content from August and you would pay only for that month :)

d yc

Sorry,I don’t find the new page😂the 2 links above are the old page?