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Hey guys! 

After reading the exit surveys from people that have unpledged these past few months, I've realized that some people aren't happy with Patreon's new policies in regards to NSFW content, so I decided to do a little survey myself to see how many of you guys are actually happy with my content and if there are people that would prefer something different. 

I'll put all of the complaints I could find that people had as well, so you can choose multiple options if you want :)

Remember, votes are anonymous and I want you guys to be honest :) but I would really appreciate if you could comment below with your own opinions and suggestions on what you think I should improve, I'm looking foward to reading them :)



Now if we're talking about stuff we'd like to see personally I'd like too see more nsfw stuff though I understand patreons policies are a thing


Patreon's policies are a problem... but if you guys still want more nsfw stuff, I could post censored versions here and post the nsfw versions on Gumroad :) if you guys don't mind having to download from both platforms, obviously ^^;


I chose "no complaints". To be honest I don't care too much about the NSFW stuff as I primarily enjoy your tickling focused artwork. And the quality of this is always top :)


More variety because the constant tickling can get boring. Bondage humiliations, sticky goo perils feet perils in general


I think your a fantastic artist, one of the best out there. But your NSFW content was a big draw, your skill at drawing the female form was unsurpassed, feet especially, but also your ability to draw female genitals. I'll stick by you because i think you're amazing, but i would prefer to see you post NSFW content again, if that means leaving Patreon and moving to a site that's ok with NSFW content i'll fully support you and follow you there.


I find your work really good and you post regularly. I sure would love to see more content each month but I'm also happy with what you provide and it can be easy, time wise, to provide more. I don't like Patreon new policies but you can't do anything about it. I wouldn't say no to more NSFW content but as long as there is tickling I'm game. But I sure love NSFW tickling and I love even more when it's really devious scenarios. The only thing that I would maybe like more is that, instead of slightly modified version of pics (like with/out gag, ...), you were to make maybe little stories. As an example of what I mean is what Caroo provides sometimes on Furaffinity when he makes a little comic (not as long as Hunter but even 2 or 3 pages). Other than that, maybe that when there is NSFW content, the ticklee enjoy (even if reluctantly) what happens to them. Not always but maybe not always "seemingly" non-con (or if non-con, as said, reluctant enjoyment of their ordeal). I don't really mind going on Gumroad to see them. It would annoy me more if I needed to have accounts everywhere for fetish art.


I think folks complaining about policy changes already are over blowing the situation. Personally I haven't seen any obvious changes in style or content, let alone any downgrade. I recently caught up with the comic again and was massively impressed, leaving me more than anything excited to see what you might do next when this epic multi-year journey is completed!


I think you should really try to make different facial expressions. They have gotten more and more stale over the years to the point that some characters don't always look like themselfs. It's mainly the eyes and mouth where that goes wrong.


While I'm personally not really noticing much difference in your work since the whole policies thing I chose options 1 and 4 because I'd like for you to be able to post anything you want here and not have to be driven by rules and regulations. I've been following your work as well as some others that I'm currently not a patron to for a long while now and when you first moved to Patreon I wanted to support you for all the fun pictures you've done over the years. You're work and all this is the reason I got a bank account and debit card as soon as I realized I could after I turned 18 and now being 21 I still don't regret the $7/ month I pay to be a part of this community you've built and being a part of the polls and everything. I'm glad to be able to support you in what you want to do and the only reason I could think of that would get me to stop supporting you here is if I ran into money issues in real life. Other than that I will gladly part with those $7 and I can't wait to see what fun things you have planned.


For my part any issues are with Patreon itself. More pictures would always be nice, but hey, life happens and i'm positive you put out as much content as you can. While i don't mind if you never posted NSFW content again, I don't appreciate that Patreon is basically censoring your content at all. While i don't care much for gumroad as a service (had a bit of a problem getting it to accept the promo code for Hunter) i realize that it is necessary, at least for now, but it hasnt been the friendliest.


Basically, i am still enjoying your content a lot, and i have been happy with the quality and frequency of the work posted. It is lame that Patreon is getting in the way of that, but i do feel as if you are doing your best to work within the parameters and options that you are being given, and that is much appreciated, and the fact that you try to communicate as much as possible gives some reassurance that my money is going to somebody who cares about their work and audience.


Really enjoying Hunter BTW, looking forward to the rest.


Let me preface this by saying that I do enjoy your content. I've been following your content for about 7 years now. I've even looked at your old, very old, deviantart pictures (when you would draw furry and sonic tickling pictures.) You're good at using detail when you can and showing how detailed a scene is. When I often "enjoy" your content, I usually zoom in to see the specific details of a picture. I don't think a lot of people appreciate this but you're good at showing how utterly destroyed a ticklee is. You can draw tears and sweat well, and the hair that you draw is very realistic, in a sense. In your Ahri/irelia picture from a while ago, I remember that Ahri has some single strands of hair on her forehead that stick there due to sweat. You're also very good at portraying fear such as in that Widowmaker picture you posted to tumblr a couple years ago, the picture of Irelia hogtied, and your current DA profile picture. Your art's quality has skyrocketed since the old days of your DA content and I hope it continues. In the tickling art community, your art is very high tier. You are one of the most notorious tickling artists and people say many things about you, good and bad. You're often compared with LOZ and Kidetic, who is now known as Kusujinn. My point is, you're very talented when you want to be and you've definitely made a name for yourself. However, my gripe with you as an artist is that sometimes you get lazy. I know that you've tried to please your Patrons and you've gone to great lengths before. I remember the Kim/Shego picture from a while ago that you spent ages on. The result was good and I thank you dearly for that. But lately, I've been seeing more and more flaws. For example, the picture of bowsette you made a while ago is very similar to Ahri from your hunter comic on page 33. A side by side comparison can be found here https://i.imgur.com/x9dFeYE.png The poses are very, very similar. The background is similar, and I feel like you did some tracing. I know that you released page 33 after the bowsette picture, but you finished that page before the bowsette picture. We've had numerous private messages discussing this before. Either way, it makes you look lazy. Another issue I have with your content is the proportions of the girls' bodies. Sometimes, their tits and ass look too small or just weird, sometimes the content looks rushed as well. An example of this can be found at your latest DeviantArt post. This picture of Ahri on your newest Hunter Comic https://sta.sh/01tvi6sg1aua makes Ahri look very weird. In comparison to the old comic cover which can be found here https://prnt.sc/ns4gs1 In this new comic cover, her breasts look... different, so to say. But I must compliment you on the coloring and shading, that has definitely improved. If you could incorporate those same coloring and shading techniques with the old comic cover, we would have a much better product. I don't know if it's too much to ask, but I'd definitely like some improvement on the "new" cover, considering that the majority of your Patrons have lost access to the old one. Also, the other comic cover has a much higher amount of detail, just look at the tails and everything else. tl;dr it seems like you rush content too much and you also get lazy sometimes.


While I do have no real complaints I do miss the NSFW stuff and would be more than willing to move to any other site in order to see NSFW work, but otherwise great job, keep it up.


I do agree with most of what you said... it is true that some of my drawings look similar to one another but that doesn't mean I'm tracing or that I'm trying to cut corners... The example you give of the Bowsette pic and the comic page is a very good one and I do remember using the same pose I did on that comic page, but that was because I really liked how the pose and expression came out. I didn't have the chance at that point to use that pose again in my drawings and I thought it would be very fitting to use it again on the Bowsette pic, that's all... Coming up with a completely new pose and angle is very difficult and time consuming and sometimes I just can't afford to do that, not because I'm lazy, but because I simply don't have the time... and I know that is my problem, but I try to deal with it the best way I can while at the same time trying to give you guys the best content I can possibly do with the time I have. You still haven't seen it, but there are a lot of new poses, angles and expressions on the last comic pages I did... they took me a while to do but I love the challenge, trust me, if I had as much time to draw as I wanted, I'd be creating new poses and angles all the time! About the anatomy, I don't think it's perfect, but I like drawing the "natural" female figure... or at least what I'd consider natural... normal sized breasts and butts, slim body, slightly thin and long legs, not very small feet but not very big either. That's just the kind of figure I like drawing... and I know that some characters have bigger breasts than others for example and I do try to keep that in mind, but I'm not going to draw astronomically huge breasts because that's just not my style, same thing if I had to draw extremely big or long feet like some other artists like doing... that is not my style I'll have to disagree with what you said about the new comic cover. I do understand what you mean, but I don't share it. First of all, I didn't rush it at all, I spent a lot of time working on it and I did it pretty much from scratch... I think the face proportions are a lot more realistic on the new cover, the legs and butt look better too and even her breasts look more natural now... before, they looked like she's got implants or something, very artificial... besides, I think Ahri's breasts are big enough in the new cover and even on the rest of the comic pages. Sure, they are not huge, but compared to a pair of normal sized breasts, I think they are quite big. It's just a matter of personal taste. Maybe her tails aren't as detailed, I can agree on that. I guess I could fix that, I just didn't pay too much attention to them honestly Anyway, I'll be posting both new and old comic covers on Gumroad for those who didn't have the chance to see it before I had to delete it from here Hopefully I didn't forget anything ^^; but let me know if I did :p


Thanks a lot :) It's been only one month I think since all those changes so it's probably not very noticeable yet, but I did have to stop drawing extreme nsfw stuff like I used to... but considering the amount of people that want it back, I will definitely do it :)


Thank yo so much! :) Considering the amount of people that want more nsfw content back, I think I'm going to start doing it again ;)


Since a lot of people gave their opinions I'll trow mine into the mix too by addressing some of the questions in the survey: Regarding Patreon's Policies, NSFW and Gumroad - I definitely would like to see NSFW content like you used to. It added to the appeal of pictures and it feels a little bit constrictive to have to play around Patreon's rules. I personally have no issue downloading your works from Gumroad. In fact, I find it more appealing in general, as now patrons can still access your previous works freely even if they are no longer pledged to you. I would only suggest you put unique discount codes for each month's exclusives to prevent any abuse. If Patreon is okay with just the voting suggestions and discount codes being done here and the actual pictures being posted on Gumroad I think it would be worth it to see a return of NSFW pictures. Now to the big question - More pictures, animations. I think this should be discussed in far more detail in a separate post since it's a very expansive topic but it all comes down to one thing - time. You have a finite amount of time to draw, in which you must juggle monthly exclusives, the Hunter comic, commissions, animations and personal projects. It's quite amazing you've been able to keep up at all but I must admit, there has been a noticeable reduction in the finer details in the monthly exclusives. As an example, take the D.Va and Tracer pictures - both very similar in terms of view angle, position, etc. - but the detail in the soles, the shading and the expressions seem much more watered down in the latter. I would take the first one over ten of the second any day. I don't think this is because you've grown lazy or complacent, it's just that your workload has grown since then, especially now that the comic is so close to completion. Asking for more pictures or animations would only make this worse IMO, but I would like to hear your opinion on the matter. If time is an issue I would make several suggestions: Do the character and scene suggestion posts and polls all in the very beginning of the month or the end of the previous month. That way you will know what to draw and more time. If you decide to post on Gumroad, you can afford to be a little late with some pictures as patrons who had pledged for that month will still get access even if they for some reason unsubbed. I personally don't mind waiting longer if it means you don't have to rush a picture, but some might disagree so this might need further discussion. Anyway those are my thoughts, I hope I'm not completely off on my assumptions here. It's really nice that you're communicating with your community like this and trying to improve. There is a reason you're the biggest tickling artist on Patreon :)

technodude "Archer" 458

my biggest gripes are the effects patreon's new polices have had and the fact that it seems like things like foot worship are so rarely featured at this point even when they're a voting option i get that the community votes on it and they should get what they want but at the same time there's only so many times i can see characters in tickle related situations before it gets old no matter what changes (this is nothing against your art by the way in fact i think it's amazing) i honestly have no problems downloading from Gumroad if it means we can have the options we've lost back


Personally I'd like two things ideally - More uploads would be nice, I understand between doing the comic n pics here it's time consuming but sometimes we're averaging one non-comic pic a month. Even if it was just some sketches or line art pieces. More would just make the subscription feel that bit more worth it. I love your work but there's nothing as disappointing as checking in and seeing nothing new after a week or more. As for the content in the pictures. I really do love the tickling, its why most of us are here. I just feel like seeing hands and mouths used so often can make things feel a tad repetitive. In the past going back through your DA you've used all sorts. Plans, worms, tentacles, insects, slime, small dragons, faries. All of them used amazingly I might add. I'd just love to see some more stuff like that to add some variety. Your posing and situations are always wonderful. I'd just like to see the actual tickling source be changed up more. All this being said keep up the great work, I only say these things as a loyal fan <3


My only critique is that in general your lees tend to (not always) have very similar facial expressions of wide-eyed panic. I think variation of the expressions of mirth or helplessness would go a long way. Otherwise, your stuff is great.


I just have the impression that the bodys and faces of almost every char are very similar. Only the hairstyle is different. But thats just my personal opinion